
By croftgirl10

First pint refreshment

Met up with some friends at the unusually named pub above for a very good pint of Belhaven Best Extra Cold. I had planned to take a photo of the pint but forgot(it is only my first week of blipping)

Just in case you are wondering why the pub is called that (from Wikipedia as it is late)

The town's coat of arms features a black bitch against an oak tree, and townsfolk are known as "black bitches".[3] In his account of a tour of Scotland, published in 1679, an English gentleman, Thomas Kirk, described the arms of the town as "a black bitch tied to a tree, in a floating island. We enquired for a story about it, but could meet with none: their schoolmaster told us it proceeded from the name of the place. Linlithgow, in Erst [ Scottish Gaelic ], is thus explained: Lin signifies Lough; Lith, black; and Gow, a hound."[4]

A more recently recorded legend relates that the bitch was a black greyhound whose master was sentenced to starve to death on an island in Linlithgow loch. She used to swim from the town every day with food for him. When this was discovered she was chained to a tree on a different island to suffer the same fate as her master. The townspeople took the animal's loyalty and bravery as symbolic of their own. The local pub named "The Black Bitch" is reputed to be one of Scotland's oldest pubs.[5]

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