A busy day

It's been a busy day. I had my flu jab appointment at 8.45 and Neil had his at 9.00. We got to the doctors ten minutes early, and were in and out in less than five minutes, so by 9am we had already been to the market and got some fresh fruit and vegetables and were on our way back to the car!

Neil and I played music together. Our rendition of Nights in White Satin was almost OK! 

Later I got the keyboard stand down from the loft, and had a go with the 'new' keyboard that I'd found in with all our stuff. It turns out it used to belong to my late Mum - it's a good keyboard once you work out how to turn the automatic accompaniment off! I was feeling pleased with how I know 5 notes on the bass clef now, so I cockily started on Unit 4 in my book. That involves three more notes in that clef and I was not doing too well. It's all good fun though.

Then I took a quick ride over the common and put a scarf on the dragon. It's one I made for my late sister and she never used. I put a label on it saying "if you like me then take me". I wonder if anyone will. 

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