
By HeartFreek

Apple of his Daddies Eye

An early start with Matty as his nappy was wet through. I could hear him calling me while Mummy was giving him breakfast. As soon as GagGag appeared (thats me!) he asked to feed the squirrels by pointing to the bag of nuts and pretending to nibble them. Hes just too cute and trying hard to communicate!

Daughter Number 2 had him for the day while I sat and tried to sort through 3 years of pictures on the computer, accidentally deleting the hard drive.... having a mini heart attack while I see over 8 000 8mages head for the recycle bin... luckily it was just preparing them to be deleted and didn't actually do it!! Thank the Lord.

Matty was then back for dinner. Fed to him by his daddy who I then cook for before he heads home with Matty about 7 o'clock. A weekly routine. He was trying hard to say apple in his own little language. It sounded nothing like apple but kept repeating the same sound so at least I know what he's trying to say!!!! Hes still a bit scabby under his nose where he fell over the other day poor Bubba.

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