
Bit of a disturbed night but not too bad and a slowish start…trying to work out what order to do things in today. In the end T woke earlier that I expected (how does he work these crazy hours?!) and we went down to see P, stopping to buy a new microwave to replace the 40yr old one that he’s been clinging on to despite it not working well if at all.
He was asleep when we arrived so got it all set up then I cooked him a fried breakfast, something he loves but can’t have as the carers aren’t allowed to use the cooker apparently. I hoovered up whilst T set up the new camera, cut the front hedge and sorted other things in the garden, then after he’d finished his brunch I tried to tackle the financial assessment papers with P. We need to get this done to find out what he has to pay towards care or indeed what help he might be able to get, and it should be easier with most things being online, but he’s not always got the right usernames and passwords (despite, good grief, having a password book with lots written down. Trouble is some have changed or he’s written the wrong thing or etc etc). I know he was fed up that I was pushing on with it saying held do it next week but I don’t see how he will when he can’t run up to the study to get individual documents or answer the phone when a password reset requires a phone call to confirm. We were both pretty fraught I suspect! At one point when I couldn’t find something he’d sent me upstairs for I took a photo of the bookcase he’d sent me to to show him the paper he wanted wasn’t there. Apart from a photo of the hedge after clipping to show him how neat it was it was the only photo I took all day!
Set him up with tea and biscuits and his pillows adjusted then left him to recover from my whirlwind. T went for a nap and I went over to see K who was in bed ill…worrying since we fly tomorrow. She’d spent the night being sick and had a horrible pain in her stomach. Oh dear….! I had texts back and forward with nurse A and by the time I left she’d managed some pain relief, a little bowl of cereal which was what she fancied, and a cup of tea. I think she was feeling a bit better. Probably a stress reaction even though chatting to her she didn’t seem stressed. We’ll see how she is tomorrow.
A had been at the hairdressers all afternoon ….blonde this time (extra) and she’s pleased with it although my goodness expensive!
Home and we had supper then Kt and I watched TV and chatted about running and dogs and horses and travel and I found myself obsessively checking the remote camera at P’s, I could get addicted to this! Particularly good to see what he gets at meal times and how much of the time he sleeps. He was awake late …so much iPad browsing goes on!

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