
By cracker


Joti seemed better yesterday which was good so she went to Fleur's house. It meant that I could do more work for Kaz and then helped out in Spencer's class for their hour of Maths!

I felt really achy and not well in the night so went to bed at 7.30 just after the kids! Today was my day to look after Leo but I'm still not feeling well so Fleur's mum looked after him which was great.

Joti and I both had a sleep for an hour and a half this morning which was great! We went out quickly in the afternoon to get some food then I made pizza dough and pizzas for tea!

Tomorrow spence has soccer in the morning then we at going to Harry's 7th birthday party at the park! I am making cookies in the morning to take! Hopefully I will be feeling better!

Here is Joti this afternoon playing outside being funny by putting the blow up ring on her head!

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