optimistically cynical

Whilst my increasingly wiry eyebrows, inability to throw and wide feet with short toes indicate the Nature side of things (with my metabolism and ginger-tinged beard from the other side) I suspect a great deal of my manners of communication and world-view have been nurtured into place by the entity here caricatured. He's due to retire at the end of next month (after a few years in a slightly four-day-week quieter job) so I've been attempting again to get him to start looking for some sort of replacement output for his various moans, complaints and other observations when he will no longer have a professional capacity in which grievances against parts of the world (occasionally on behalf of other portions) might be aired. As the increased amount of free time is likely to mean greater opportunity to be irritated it's important that he finds somewhere to expel what is likely to be an increased amount of vexèdness, griping about it to my mother not being a potentially successful strategy. Infrequent hints to take up the violin (he apparently played it briefly in school) seem to have had no effect and an offer to test-drive a ukulele was not taken up. He has implied that a great deal of his freed-up time will be taken up by extra reading, listening to musics and watching (controllable rather than broadcast) entertainments but he is unlikely to be able to completely ignore the issues which have concerned him thus far in his life and will be further encouraged to seek a combined means of emitting his opinions, preferably in a publicly-accessible form such as an internet. He was forcibly registered here last summer on his annual festival-visit but has so far failed to do anything further so shall be subjected to increased efforts to increase his awareness of the phenomenon over the next six weeks. It might possibly mean that he would then require a new keyboard every birthday as he still hasn't got used to the fact that modern computer keyboards do not require thumping anywhere near as hard as the keys on old manual typewriters but keyboards are relatively cheap.

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