Buzzing About

This Hoverfly was doing a lot of hovering by the Kaffir Lily flowers. I love these flowers because they are fall color in the garden; they hang around until the first hard freeze. 

The extra photo is of a flower on a plant that just showed up in my garden; it is a butterfly bush, and since it grew so fast, I think it is the invasive one, and I have to pull it out. But first, I enjoyed a few moments with it and the bees and took a few photos.

Tonight my granddaughter came back from SF, where she was visiting her boyfriend; her brothers picked her up at the airport, and they all came over for dinner. My husband went all out and prepared steak and lobster; I made a zucchini dish and a salad. They loved everything and were great company. My granddaughter was here to pick up her dog, who we watched while she was gone, and she wanted to drive home to Eugene, which is 2 hours south, so they didn't stay too long after dinner. 

I spent the day finishing up several projects before they came over; I wanted to get the mess out of the way. There is always more cleaning to do...always.

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