Halfway Home…

Hi Everyone,

I spent many hours in the workshop this weekend trying to get a video completed… All the filming Is done, and some tweaking needed with the first edit… It is for a competition type thing which will hopefully attract more subscribers. The video gets released on the first October.

I also managed to complete 99% of what I wanted to do at my daughters home so now it’s just the case of popping in there from time to time to check all is okay.

Visited the workshop this morning and had a good clean up as I had created quite a mess over the weekend and want to get things spick and span as I am on a training course one Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Bristol. I also planted a few seeds regarding moving downstairs in the workshop so that I have more heavy duty machines.

The Photo:

I finally took the Giant Halftway home…

More tomorrow.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy


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