The dropped stitch

By Bodkin


By good fortune, (and thanks to the kind hearted taxi driver whose job it was to transport our bags to our next accommodation), we arrived at tonight's hotel at 10.30am.

The receptionist was really kind and helpful and we were soon relaxing in the sun lounge enjoying a pot of tea.
M opted sensibly to have a rest day and I set off to explore Cullen.

The Cullen Viaduct, (in extras), is grade B listed. Part of the Great North of Scotland Railway, work to construct it began in 1884. It was built because the nearby Seafield Estate didn't want the railway to encroach on its land near Cullen House. The line closed in 1968 but the viaduct now carries the footpath.

With lots of local knowledge, my guide for a walk round the village was a friend who used to dance with our group in Orkney.

We ended up back at the hotel with M for a catch up. Both news and stories were shared over more cups of tea.

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