
By ProtoGraf

Holy Friday

Easter preparations begin on Holy Thursday when the traditional Easter bread, tsoureki, is baked, and eggs are dyed red.

The custom of the Easter egg originated in early Christians of Mesopotamia, who stained eggs red in memory of the blood of Christ. The hard shell of the egg symbolizes the sealed Tomb of Christ - the cracking of which symbolized his resurrection from the dead. The Greek Orthodox Church follow this early Christian tradition.

We are contributing towards the production of 500 dyed eggs for this week-end's Greek Orthodox Easter worship.

There is a game played with Red Eggs at Greek Easter. Each player holds a red egg, and one taps the end of her/his egg lightly against the end of the other player's egg. The goal is to crack the opponent's egg. When one end is cracked, the winner uses the same end of her/his egg to try to crack the other end of the opponent's egg. The player who successfully cracks the eggs of the other players is declared the winner and, it is said, will have good luck during the year

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