On the Road

Daughter and I spent a few hours on the road today.
We went to our previous church in North London to a baptismal service.
All three young people who publicly professed their faith in the Lord Jesus through the waters of baptism have been known to us since they were all babies.
Lovely to be there, had a tear in my eye when one particular young man came up out of the water.
Loved being able to sit through the service with all three of our girls and all three of our boys - doesn’t happen often!
Sadly, hubby wasn’t able to travel yet but he watched online.
Enjoyed catching up with lots of old friends though there were as many people who I didn’t manage to speak to either which was a shame.

Had to be back home for late afternoon so had a very quick lunch, cuddles with gorgeous grandson then back on the road.
Spotted this old bus on the way up the A1.

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