Intrepid Bro4

Bro4's pre school nursery have Forest Kindergarten in local Forestry Commission woodland on a Friday in 'all but the most extreme weather conditions.'

It's not rocket science that children should be suitably dressed, quite why some parents can't quite grasp this concept is beyond me. Today's forecast was for rain and more rain with some wind thrown in for good measure. Had the winds been too strong they would cancel, tall trees and strong winds not being the best combination.

So when I got a text message saying the session was ending early and to collect your child as soon as possible because some of the children were too wet and cold I knew my child wouldn't be too amused and certainly wouldn't be too wet or cold.
When I arrived to pick Bro4 up they were just walking back to the meeting point and his teacher said he was absolutely fine but because some of the others were succumbing to the weather they had to call a halt.

Bro4 played out in the garden when he came home, in the rain, checking on his ducks and freshly laid turf.

It'll take more than some rain to stop his play.

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