Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Day of Art and the Environment ...

Didn't get to posting yesterday's blip last night so here are the highlights of thursday.
-A very fine casual row with my buddy J out the course of Saturday's Opening day races/parade where the boats were lining up 2 days ahead to watch.
-An early dinner out at the Seattle Art Museum's TASTE cafe where my favorite happy hour menu item is "salt cod fritters" with barbecue sauce. Played with my sony camera a bit -here the interior of the restaurant in "High contrast mono."
-had time for a better look at the Vogel collection in the museum. If you haven't seen the documentary Herb and Dorothy about this couple in NY that collected minimal and conceptual art in the 60s on a librarian and a postal worker's salary, it is very interesting and well done. They gave 4000 works to the National Gallery who then gave 50 to a museum in each of 50 states. Must say there were many artists unknown to me!
- then the main event: one of a series of "Sound Conversations" at the Aquarium - this one with an expert on Orcas. Much good discussion on the reasons for the resident pods declining in numbers. (their main food source, chinook salmon, is declining) And what one could do about it. A shocking new film "Salmon confidential" is about the government coverup (Canada) of the diseases brought about by farmed salmon. Don't get me's a big topic...salmon farms or hatcheries are NOT the answer - less dams on the rivers would allow nature to take it's course.

Art and The Environment -2 of my favorite subjects.

and now--on to friday.....

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