
My arm hurts like mad. Just the bit between elbow and shoulder. Presumably with having both the Covid and flu jab yesterday. And I am incredibly sleepy. So I have been sleeping a lot since yesterday. I had a good long night' sleep, just woke up when I needed more painkillers. And sleep pulled me right under again....I am incapable of doing anything at all.

Got all doors and windows wide open this morning. Hoping the fresh air will wake me up. And I have the electric throw on top of me to keep me warm. That will stay on all day if needs be.

Now all I need is cat Midnight to learn how to make cups of tea, and keep me supplied with them...

This video on YouTube was made from Sunday night's escapades on the wild life trail cam.

And also is a short on YouTube of Badger Kissy Kissy rocking cat, Midnight on the swing...
This is also from Sunday night.

I am not up to doing a drawing/painting this morning. I still have this intense need for sleep. So, a kaleidoscope it is for today. Pointed at my open door into the garden...

I am not ill as such after the Covid jab, but the jabbed arm keeps giving intense waves of pain, and my brain wants to sleep to get away from the pain, to tell the pain to shut up. So, I will go along with that...

I am incapable of doing anything today.

MIDNIGHT! Where are you? Where's that cuppa tea?

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