
A day that started rudely when my phone (and therefore alarm) died overnight as I'd not checked the charger was actually plugged in and Himself, who needed to catch an early train, had managed to set his for this evening not this morning.

There was a lot less swearing than I expected and I now know he can get up, showered and dressed in less than the hour it usually takes him.

It got more complicated, and comical, later when my 87 year old neighbour knocked on  the door as she is feeding another neighbours cat but had somehow managed to get their front door lock stuck.  After a bit of brute force and key wiggling we agreed it couldn't be budged without causing damage so I ended up climbing over the fence (again) and putting a bowel of food through the cat flap. The owners aren't back until Saturday, and I'm off to Wales tomorrow morning so Himself - not the smallest or most agile of people - is going to have to do the same.  Hopefully the fence will stand it

I've no idea how they are going to get it open!

It was meter reading day today as well.  A day early but hopefully not enough to make much difference.  As you can see, we're not planning on using the heating much this year.


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