Covid day 2

Tired after a lot of coughing last night . A cool but sunny morning. Took Fletch for  a short walk but hadnt a lot of energy. 

M has all the symptoms so it looks like weve both got it and pretty sure it was caught at the hospital.  Hes postponed his appointment at the drs as hed not manage the tests eg running on a treadmill etc

We both feel drained and more or less did nothing most of the day. Sat and read and uploaded a few photos to the  Camera Club site.

I did take Fletch for a short teatime walk .

After getting saturated shoes and feet on Sunday I took advantage of the 40% sale and ordered some waterproof boots. The wonders of the internet .They seem comfortable if one can judge that just by walking round the house. I just need the energy to go out properly in them. 

It appears that cases of Covid are on the rise so take care everyone.  Stay safe and well.

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