Big change

Yesterday the tarmac on this cycle path was completely clear of any leaves, but this afternoon the debris is the result of the wild wind and rain overnight and this morning. Nothing compared to horrific damage wreaked by Hurricane Ian across the eastern US, of course...

Olaf has blotted his copybook! Yesterday early evening I left him for 15 minutes while I attended my appointment at the local surgery to have my flu-and-Covid boosters. 

When I got back and looked in the sitting room, where I'd left him all curled up and asleep on one of the sofas (where he is allowed), he was curled up on the other sofa, but the cushions and throw on the first sofa were strewn on the floor and he had ripped a large hole in the thick material on the upper section, scattering chunks of foam around in the process! I haven't told the owners yet...   (They told me he was fine being left home alone for up to four hours!)

Hope the weekend isn't too wild where you are, blipmates.

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