Then there was one

We collected half a dozen rescued battery hens about three years ago. To add to these we took a couple of "pretty" birds to help out D2 who needed homes for a couple of pet hens.
Since then we have had Avian Flu each winter when the birds had to be housed inside, so they lived in the HenTent. We have also had storms and snow and this years incredible temperatures and drought. 
Over time the girls developed their own personalities and most would be happy to be hand fed whilst sitting on my knee or on the arm of a chair.
Unfortunately these  conditions plus old age has taken its toll on the girls and sadly today the last but one bird died. The blip is of the one remaining hen. She has been the most nervous and unapproachable of all the birds, running away in panic every time I got anywhere near her. 
Whilst the Avian Flu is still so prevalent ( unusually this year there have been outbreaks all Summer, its normally only a Winter problem) we will not be getting any more birds. So this lady will be on her own. Hopefully she will get round to liking me a bit more now.

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