Community flower beds

Ninja showers throughout the day but blue sky and sunshine in between.

We are coming to the end of looking after our community flowerbeds for the season.One of our friends looks after one and I do the other with a little help from JD who tidies the grass up after the council cuts it.

Recently we received an e mail from the council Community Growing officer saying begonias would not be provided anymore. They want to change to perennial planting for all year round colour ( in Scotland??) We would need to plant it , maintain it etc etc. At the moment we really only need to plant, water, tidy etc for 4 months and the colour is fantastic. Everyone admires it and it really is enough for us to cope with.

This is all because the council got funding ( £25000 ) from the Scottish government and intend to employ a garden designer to come up with a workable plan. I think there are about 20 Community flowerbeds in Falkirk District.

This funding is only for a limited time and has to be used by March!

Walked at the Kelpies, Click and Collect and spent the afternoon with Annette and Eleanor.

Treated JD to a fish supper tonight….. it is his birthday tomorrow :)

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