Cabin in the Woods.

This has been our home for the last 6 months. We have had the best time here watching nature, chilling, looking after the babies and waiting for our new home to be ready.

We decided to leave a day early so that I wake up on my birthday on our new house so I spent the day packing, cleaning and moving. We arrived in our new home at about half 3 and I set to work trying to put everything away in the kitchen, not really knowing where to put it all.

My back then finally gave up on my when I bent down to pick up groceries to put in the fridge!!!

I had to pop out to feed daughter Number 2s cat and collect a clothes rail then collapsed into bed about 10. Its just the mattress on the floor so God knows if ill ever get out again!!!

I saw Louie, our landlady's grown up person. She was baby sitting the chickens. Since the last fox attack she only lets them out if she's in with them. I gave her my Wildcam. I feel I have enough footage of wild animals and will have no use for it now as I have a mains operated camera o can use for out the front. Her little face was a real picture. She was so happy.

So we are finally home after a very long homeless adventure! Its been great but nothing like your own home, your own front door and most importantly..... no MORTGAGE!!! Hurrah!

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