Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological

Hello petal.

I like flowers and have always found it amusing/ ironic that those who denounce them as fey or an overtly feminine thing to be interested by never understand what a proper hotbed of sexual activity they are.

Male and female sex organs in the same place? Trillions of sperm? Sticky ladyparts? Swollen bits? Discharge?

You get the gist....

The cricket season starts tomorrow and I'm very excited about it. If I wasn't in so much fucking pain I'd be even more so. Not sure why I've constant negative feedback from the knees, ankles and feet but I have an inkling that despite losing weight, legging it around like a teenager probably has more and longer-lasting repercussions when 37.

Trolling for music as I do on a Friday night I came across this. I'm genuinely astonished I've never heard it before. Proper gob-dropper.

Oh well. Every day's school day! Have a lovely weekend.

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