Shrimpless Pizza

We made pizza with our Thai students. Here they are, getting all toasty in the mini-oven.

We had a whole line of toppings to choose from, and everyone designed their own as they desired. Of course, we had to have some shrimp and crab because in Thailand, it's hardly a pizza if it doesn't have shrimp, crab, hotdogs, and sometimes curry sauce. For some reason, my mini pizza didn't have those things, but instead had black olives and pineapple. Yummm! One friend asked, "What is this black thing? Can I eat it or does it have to be cooked first?"

Olives are very rare in Thailand. You can only find them in the international food sections. So they made for a good a treat for the internationals and a new experience for everyone else. Not everyone liked them, but that just left extras for the rest of us! :)

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