
By earthdreamer

The Little Unsaid

What can I say? I can't even tell you how I came across these guys but I've been listening to their albums for quite a few years now. They're right up on the top of my list of great contemporary music. Unfortunately, I don't have the musical understanding to explain why I adore their sound so much. Their music simply speaks to me. I love the lyrics, the soundscapes they create, the heartfelt delivery of each song. I got the tingles tonight when I heard my favourite tracks live for the first time. 

The Little Unsaid is the project of John Elliott, a Yorkshireman from Dewsbury. He's to be seen here on guitar, the lead vocalist. On viola is Alison D'Souza. On drums is Tim Heymerdinger. On synth is Mariya Brachkova. They're a thoroughly international bunch of extremely talented and versatile musicians. And they thoroughly enjoy performing. Their recorded music has always sounded precise and beautiful. Their live act is something else again.

Tonight they put on a show with a great balance of old and new. Do take a listen to their latest single Vibrant Life, amazing on a first hearing, then the delicate Human, and the show stopping Chain. It's staggering to me that these guys are not filling bigger venues. The wonderful space at Seven Arts in Chapel Allerton was possibly not even half full with about fifty people, with an average age of about fifty too! Do young people not listen to live music any more? I guess they get steered to the music that Spotify's algorithms market to them, plus having fifty years of classics to catch up with. I find that sad.

I left with the latest album, and also their oldest to complete my collection, plus a T-shirt to help spread the word. Fully merced out I was! Even E was impressed and she's very picky when it comes to the music scene. This was the first gig on their current tour. See if they're coming to a venue near you and go support them. They deserve it. You won't be disappointed.

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