
By JoppaStrand

Portobello Beach Edinburgh Day 248

May the K9 Forth be with you - mixing puns in an intergalactic cocktail here on this auspicious dates for all those Trekkies out there!

This is my younger sister's rare breed - Lagotto - an Italian Water or Lake Dog called Jumble. She enjoyed the space of Portobello Beach this morning and saw off a pack of Huskies with consummate ease and made friends with a Labradoodle among other canine encounters. In this blip Jumble is enjoying the fresh water Figgate Burn as it spills into the sea across Porty Beach. She was less happy with the shifting sands and salt water of the surf but would have liked to have overcome that and "retrieved" an odd sea gull or two. She was fast. They were faster and could fly! My elder sister, suggested this blip subject as she enjoyed her Scottish visit last month. Maybe next time both my sisters will enjoy a sojourn on Portobello Beach together. More visitors fly in from the south later this morning and have been well warned about the chilly northern clime. And talking of climbs we went up Arthur's Seat yesterday afternoon and nearly got blown off the top. Not surprisingly we only saw one other couple during the whole expedition such was the grimness of the weather. If had not been for Jumble we would have gone to the Royal Scottish Museum instead. I suspect the latter was very busy indeed yesterday afternoon!

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