The Wisdom of Trees

This is the back edge of my pond.  I rarely visit it as it is more difficult to access.  We are entering a really beautiful time here in northern New England.  The landscape is bursting with color.  It reminded me of an article I read awhile back about the lessons trees can teach us.  I had to hunt for the article but I found it.  Lesson #4 is so appropriate right now after my brother's death.   Let Go of Things ...Trees have no issues with letting go. They let go of their leaves in the fall not questioning or grieving over them. This is an important lesson. Trees seem to understand that everything is energy and energy never dies. It changes forms and states of being but it does not die.  Can you imagine the amount of suffering and grief that would be released from our lives if we truly learned that lesson from the trees?  Beautiful words, I think.  If you care to read the article, here is a link.  

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