Further my skills

By H0tamer


The pointless bridge. That's what we call it. (Or perhaps just me...)
This bridge over the rivulet Gersprenz was built several years ago. 200m away from another bridge.
At that time the municipality government believed to be able to divert the heavy truck traffic from and to the local quarry away from the village. In addition they believed that a ring road/bypass was going to be made.
Well, the bridge was built. But that's it. Although the bridge is suitable for heavy trucks (although single track), it is not in use at all. Perhaps some passenger cars use it (illegally) or hunters/farmers/foresters. But if then only rarely, I never see it. The concrete is already quite rotten, see the moss. A ring road might never come, with the change in politics (and the need to act before it is too late).
So, just pointless.

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