Growing old disgracefully



Wild wet and windy day. It was slow going as our sleep had been disturbed the previous night, but by late afternoon I was picking up just in time to have a wee blether with Big Brother No 3 who was passing through.

It was still howling a gale when I headed to the airport to pick up my wee pal returning from Gdansk. She brought the sun flying in with her, presaged by this marvellous double rainbow. Couldn't do it justice as I was driving at the time (I know, I know, but I didn't bump into anything, so wheesht!). We live near the airport so tend to do a lot of delivering and picking people up there. I never tire of the romance of the arrivals and departure boards and watching people being reunited. The sky when we came out was dramatically beautiful, but we were too busy catching up on news for me to stop and blip it. Oh dear.

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