Life's tangled skein

By atp


This morning started off with beautiful weather - indeed I was able to go for a short run - but by the time Cameron got out to the Saturday medal at the golf club the weather had taken a distinct change for the worse. As you can see, the lads are all well wrapped up to deal with the wind and light rain that they had to put up with today.

In this shot, Cameron has just struck the ball, which shows up as a white blur across his fellow players' knees. I had calculated out the speed of the ball, which worked out at around 75mph, based on the size of this blurred streak. Sadly I am out at ice skating as I type this and so I cannot reproduce the numbers here... and I am so sure you were looking forward to being led through an arithmetic session!

I don't know the parents of the lads that Cameron was on the course with, so I have blurred out their faces. In spite of feathering the selection, it appears that I didn't manage much in the way of subtlety!

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