The Empty Bench.

Took this on my walk this morning. I liked the empty bench, it was perhaps a tad breezy for anyone to sit and 'contemplate'. It was a beautiful morning, in contrast to the dark and damp late afternoon today.

Yesterday I had someone come and chat over some ideas I've got for the garden, I wanted some input. One of the suggestions was something I'd been pondering on for a while, that was to paint my big brown urns black, or a dark grey. Once she suggested it, it gave me the confidence to go for it. A trip to B&Q - Again! Only to find they were out of the tester posts for masonry paint, so I'll have to go back next week. Once I get the idea into my head I'm impatient to get going!

Early start for us today as the electrician came to finalise our requirements for the full house rewire. It's going to be messy! Log burner installation booked.

J finished clearing the loft of the mass of fibreglass. Pearl (previous owner) obviously had the free council insulation, when they ran the scheme. Basically they just threw reams of it in the loft. It was piled a metre high, an absolute mess. Of course, when J got to the tip he had to pay to dump it. What an utter waste of council money! Bit like the trees the council have planted everywhere, then failed to keep watered, most are now dead! Grrrr!

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