
I went to see a hockey game with hubby in the evening. It has been a long long time since we watched live ice hockey previous time. The show in the new Nokia Arena was something else that what it was in the old Hakametsä Ice Stadium!

Tampere is an ice hockey city with two teams in the national ice hockey league. Already for decades children who live in Tampere region have chosen whether they cheer for Tappara (Battle axe) or Ilver (Lynx) and then they they stay loyal for the rest of their lives.Hubby's team is Ilves and Tappara is mine.

Hubby left the Arena smiling, the result of the game was 1-4 to Ilves.

Leevi took care of Peetu while we were in the game, so we picked up our pet from Hervanta before driving home.

+13 C, cloudy

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