
Amgylcheddau ~ Environments

“For me, being present just means engaging with whatever's, in front of you. It requires that you disconnect from your internal dialogue and tune in to the nuances of your environment. No distractions, no impatience, no wandering thoughts — just earnest awareness.”
—Andrew Paynter

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Tra roedd Nor'dzin yn peintio’r silffoedd yn yr ystafell cysegr, roeddwn i allan i baratoi fy mhabell am y gaeaf. Un o'r tasgau oedd sicrhau ei fod wedi'i glymu'n dda, un arall oedd torri'r mat i'w maint priodol - rhywbeth sy wedi angen ers y llynedd. Pan roeddwn i wedi gorffen, ffeindiais i fy hun yn edrych ar dri amgylchedd cyfagos hon - rwber, carreg a phwll. Rydw i'n meddwl bod y babell yn barod am ai ail aeaf, ac rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at y gwynt, glaw, eira, a chenllysg - a beth bynnag arall yn dod.

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While Nor'dzin was painting the shelves in the shrine room, I was out preparing my tent for the winter. One of the tasks was to make sure it was tethered well, another was to cut the mat to the appropriate size - something that has been needed since last year. When I had finished, I found myself looking at these three adjacent environments - rubber, stone and pool. I think the tent is ready for another winter, and I'm looking forward to the wind, rain, snow, and hail - and whatever else is coming.

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