Carrion Crow #89

In an attempt to continue the autumn themed blips, we went in search of Red Squirrels today at Formby. We only had a brief glimpse of one individual as they are no longer fed by the NT on the Squirrel Walk like they used to be due to squirrel pox a couple of years ago and are thus much more widely spread out now.  We walked through the woods, along the asparagus trail and onwards towards the beach. It was a beautifully bright autumnal day - perfect for a good walk. The beach was busy with plenty of people, lots of dogs and even a couple of horses. There were very few birds, apart from gulls and this crow that was on the top of a sand dune as we approached the beach. As I was taking the shot a little girl appeared on the horizon, and then I knew why this bird wasn't for moving - she was throwing bits of her snack towards it.  I know she is not perfectly in focus, but I thought she added something to the shot. 

After a nice pub lunch at The Freshfield, we came home and I did an hour in the garden potting on a few seedlings that had outgrown their compartments and doing a bit of deadheading. A lovely day out in the fresh air. 

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