Making the Most of It

After a very wet week, a whole dry day is something to celebrate.   A long outing with C and the Megs this morning, we even happened to be at Ty Mawr when the train passed by.    The sun was very warm, something that brought the insects out to visit the many crocuses and colchicum in flower in raised bed, trough and greenhouse.   A total of ten different autumn crocus species in flower today.  In the centre line here, Crocus niveus and Crocus goulimyi from Greece.  The lower line Crocus banaticus from Romania, Crocus caspius from Iran and Crocus salzmannii from Spain.  The others will get their turn in due course.

An afternoon split between cleaning at work and the sofa at home.   A short notice request for a talk to the local garden club came in while we were out this morning and I needed to reply and to sort out a suitable talk.  It's my first talk here and as a newcomer, I have chosen a talk that introduces alpines and bulbs I have grown .... and tells them a little about me along the way.

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