Quiet Sunday

I have had a pottering sort of day. It started by me catching up with your blips, so apologies for lack of comments.

Sorted 4 old mobile phones that had been lurking in a cupboard, along with a couple of covers that do no fit the mobile phone I have now!!
From house chores, I went along to the workshop, and started a bit of tidying in there. I admit it is a shambles, I really need to spend at least a day in there, with some large boxes to take stuff down to the recycle/tip centre. And I fed the spider, a fly had the nerve to come in uninvited, so I stunned it and threw it into the spiders web, and she was on it in seconds!

Had a little wander around the garden, did some deadheading, including in the greenhouse with the pelargoniums, they do love it in there. But I will need to re-do the porch box, I don't think the compost in there has been replaced since we moved here 19 years ago. But that will be in the Spring. 

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