Life through the lens...

By ValC


A beautiful sunny day although a sneaky cool wind.
Noticed the sun was casting shadows on the carpet in the living room.
The orchid plant on the windowsill, and the leaves of the beech trees blowing in the wind.
Thought it would do for mono Monday. However no idea what the theme is.

Just back from Pinderfields Eye Hospital. This time it was for me not MrC.
It is over 12 months since my last glaucoma checkup. So gave them a ring. Seem to have been missed off the system, so they put me in straightaway.
Four different test including a fields test, which I don’t like. All done and out within 30 minutes. Very efficient.
I will receive a letter shortly after the doctor has seen all the results. He will then decide if any more treatment is needed. So far I have only been classed as “ Glaucoma suspect”.

Now back home with a cuppa before we get ready for the Wine Club meeting tonight.
Not far to go this time as the venue is only a couple of miles away.
However the speaker has come a bit further. A friend of one of our members, he is from Monmouth. The shop is called Fingal Rock.
I wonder if any blippers know of it?
He says the wines ‘ will excite the palate, rather than pandering to absolutely everybody and offending no-one.’
Sounds an interesting evening!

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