
By GiselaClaire

dukkan ijdidd

I have been very remiss lately and let my blip slip, so now I have a 9-day gap, which makes me very unhappy!

This is for a few reasons. The main reason is that my trusty Canon Powershot just stopped working at the end of March. One second I was taking a photograph and the next there was a lens error and a very unpleasant whirring noise every time I tried to switch her on.

One of my colleagues was kind enough to lend me a camera from the office. He said it was "ashan inti Gisela bas" - "Just because you're Gisela". So nice! However, the camera is not great, so I have been less than inspired to take photos.

Finally, it was been an incredibly busy 6 weeks or so. I have been in the office for up to 12 hours some days. I'm hoping things will calm down now and I will have time to update my blip more regularly.

This photograph shows a brand new shop and falafel place which just opened up on our street. It is clean and well-stocked, and the young brothers who are running it are really pleasant. This makes a refreshing change from the shop across the road which is filthy, poorly-stocked, and run by a very rude family who treat each other very badly. I'm very happy to give this new place my custom.

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