My Aim is True


Little silver of the Pinto River

Conversation at 4pm
Newsagent: how are you? busy? ........blah blah blah
Mait: fine, what about you........blah blah blah
newsagent: lovely day though?
Mait: yes, "they" forecast rain, but it's lovely isn't it. Must be the start of the great summer that the BBC are telling us about

Fast forward 4 hours. You know that sorta rain that you only ever see in films and you hoot with laughter as it looks soooo unrealistic. Well............Yeah, I'm sure you get the picture.

I took lots of great* blips in the rain on The Royal Mile though. However as I am unliley to ever get to see this view again, I thought I'd upload this one today.

* that's great by my standards, by the way. fairly mediocre by blipfoto's standards.

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