It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Starry Night At Mill.....

Sorry I was on the dot of 12 Midnight and I was about to turn into a pumpkin!! lol I had no time for a write up as I spent an hour trying to edit these and pick which one I liked best.
I have to say it was another struggle to get a decent shot. I think my problem is I dont leave the shutter open long enough. I only took a couple full manual and the rest in A priority. They all had to be lightened in Lightroom. However nothing else was done to them ....This is the colour they lightened up to. The sky was totally gorgeous after a day of wondering if it would clear or not.
I may struggle with lighroom in processing and knowing how to sort these files out but dont panic...Im still shooting in RAW on all cameras still.
The thing which delayed me most was every time I tried to save this in to Jpeg for blip, lightroom kept showing a warning saying it couldnt complete export...blah blah blah I dont get it all! But hey ho..although it stated this it still saved it as a Jpeg..but I dont know what Ive done to the file itself or if Ive mucked it up???

Answers on a post card please :-)

I think its noisy because I relied more on lightroom to bring it out because when I first looked at them they were mostly dark or black!
The D5200 was dreadfully colour blocky (If thats a word?)
More learning to do on this...and fingers crossed the wonderful Mr Gravett will help me in June ;-) Grovel grovel

Hope you like Atempt no. 2 ;-)

Draco x

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