Bright Glimpse in a Gloomy Day

What a pace she sets.  The Current Mrs Creel put me in my booster seat in the rear and strapped me in.  She drove to Stromness.  She took me to the surgery for my flu and covid jags.  We were offered them two weeks ago.  The surgery called my phone but we were sitting in sunny St Andrews.  After leaving the surgery she got on the Hoy boat – so – picture this – I am heating my hands on a candle and trying to open a tin of spam with a BB.  Just to pile it on she’s texted to say she’ll no be home for 2 days !!  I’ve had to resort to Geir Jensen*.  As any sensible person would.
The treat of the day was watching a great spellbinding display by two ravens.
Watch such a display and you will understand.
*Gloria Gloom by Matching Mole would be even more apt but if folk check this out there may be mass panic around the globe.
Sois sage.

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