
By thespotlightkid


This is the bird above all others that people come to southeast Arizona for: the elegant trogon, a bird of the tropics that just crosses the border into the USA here. I'd almost given up hope of seeing one this trip, but we decided to go round the other side of the mountain to the famous Madera Canyon.

A lady with a dog came down the mountain trail. Cool American lady with dog: 'You must be looking for that elegant thing, that makes a noise like a dog barking'. Nerdy English bloke with binoculars: 'That's right, have you seen one lately?'. 'Sure, they're real pretty. There was one just back up there and I asked a guy what it was and he said are you kidding me, this is the elegant thingummy.' Nerd: 'So are you saying there was one back up the track? How far?' Cool lady: 'About five minutes. You can't miss it, it's orange underneath and green on the back, and sounds exactly like a dog'.

I probably took about 2 minutes to do the 5 minute walk.

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