PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

The LBB ...

Birding speak for 'little brown bird' although technically he's more slaty grey than anything. The jury is out to lunch and I have nothing.... well maybe leaning towards a flycatcher of some sort?? But I've perused my Birds of SE Asia book over and over and can't come to any definitive conclusions so am waiting to hear back from a couple of people. Maybe it can be a blipbigyear entry?!

I spotted this little guy whilst standing in the doorway of my bungalow, finally speaking to my family (albeit briefly). I thought for sure he'd be gone by the time I got off the phone, but he was very settled on this low branch. I was even able to stealth my way half way down the stairs to get a little bit closer before he flew into a spot too difficult to photograph.

Was such a relief to talk quickly to my mum and brother this afternoon. Allan will be kept sedated for at least another day or so, but they've been bringing him out of sedation briefly each morning and he is responding well. He has developed a mild case of pneumonia though, so I'm hoping that won't delay them waking him up by too much. Allan also loves birds so when I saw this little guy whilst on the phone I thought he would make the perfect blip for today. I'm taking it as a good omen. I had planned to blip the calm early morning ocean of Phu Quoc, since it will be awhile before I blip the sea again but it was bumped to my blipolio for good reason :)

Bigger is better

Postscript: Thanks to a friend who is expert in all things birding and Vietnam, have a positive ID for Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa dauurica and it's a first for the BlipBigYear :) My fourth entry :)

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