Thursday: Simple Life

Ooops, it’s a little blurry.  But it’s my only photo so it will have to do.  

In the last few days it’s felt like things are beginning to slot in a little more at work, which is good.  It’s very handy that we also live very close to the office - for example, K. will sometimes bring my sandwiches over (if she hasn’t made them before I leave).  We’ve been here four weeks today - it feels much longer.

Unfortunately the pool is out of action so no swimming for us at the moment.  We’re hoping it will be back up and running by the weekend.

Someone told us about a decent Chinese restaurant so we gave it a try.  It was pretty decent - we had dumplings and a noodle soup.  It’s still a bit of an odd experience, though, as a lot of places close very early.  This one closed at 7pm so we’d eaten and were home by then.  This is a picture of said restaurant.

Today’s entertaining moment was courtesy of the pest control man who informed K that there was a dead scorpion outside the kitchen.  Apparently, that didn’t involve removing it as dead scorpion is still there.

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