These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Welcome to the world Baby A and Baby B!

What a wonderful day! Woke up at 4am, with my sister in my room, informing me her water broke and it was time to go to the hospital! WOAH! So exciting. Little did we know, the excitement was only beginning. After our 25 minute drive to the hospital, Kelly was fully dialated and ready to push. It was a speedy labor, with no pain meds, as we arrived too late! Nothing like having twins spur of the moment! She was a total superstar and both babies were born by 5:48am.

This is little Andrew's foot, with dad's wedding ring around the big toe! Andrew is big brother and has his little bro Carter by about 25 minutes! All are healthy, happy, and hopefully, getting some sleep tonight. The plan is for them to come home tomorrow if all is well! yipeee!

PS: For the quote of the day, Tyler asked me if the boys had their penis's yet.. I politely informed him that they did.

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