Street Murals#3

I mentioned in last Friday’s blip that we had our Covid booster jabs in the building that houses, amongst other things, the Alfred Gillette trust and it’s fossil collection.

The local area is rich in blue lias stone, which has been quarried extensively in the 18th century when the quarries attracted the attention of fossil hunters after numerous specimens were unearthed by the quarry men.

The blip shows the third of four murals on the wall by the local library. It illustrates a local woman admiring the fossil of an ichthyosaur with her daughter, while the quarrying goes on behind them. The ichthyosaur was adopted as the symbol of Street Urban District Council in 1894.

I took this on our walk this afternoon which ended with some unplanned purchase of bedding and a golf club in the Village.

Tess had Keep Fat this morning while I had my 6 monthly phone chat with our energy supplier which resulted in them agreeing that they didn’t need to put up our direct debit by £45!

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