Cockatiel Mieke's egg

The only 2 photos I've taken today are of the egg that my cockatiel Mieke laid on Thursday evening. For this one I put a 10 Eurocent coin which has a diameter of 2 centimetres next to it to show the size of the egg. She hasn't laid another one yet and hasn't paid very much attention to this one since she laid it either. The last time she laid eggs was in 2007 when she produced a total of 12 over a period of 4 months even. She didn't have a mate then either.

It's another Sunday spent at home today. My blip had to be a quick and easy one though as there's still quite a bit of work to do before I'll have my folders ready for the meeting on Wednesday morning. I'm hoping to have them finished before the end of the day.

You've all been so kind and I thank you for the lovely comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's blip. They are very much appreciated.

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