
By Kentboy


I have been amazed at the variety of fungi posted on Blip.  This one was growing by itself close to the side of Crummock water and close to a path.  I decided to take the shot so you could see the underside.  I expected  to see the usual underside, but as you can see it appears to have fused together.
Unfortunately this was a photo taken a week or so ago.  I fell last night as I was going to camera club, banging my head and back against the frame of a long mirror.  What a Blip that would have made!  Very stiff and sore  this morning.  That and the inclement weather I would give going for a walk, a miss today.  A shame as the weather did improve in between sharp showers.
I plucked grass from the front of the fungi to give more of the stem.

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