Taking the Mickey Dolenz...

'Hey missus, missus.....come and take a photo of us please!'


'Because we want to send a card to our biggest fan!'

'Fan? You have fans? Who are you?'

'Who are we? In our day, we were one of the biggest bands in the world! You must have heard of us - we're The Donkees. You know.... Hey, Hey, We're The Donkees...'

'Eh? Don't you mean Monkees?'

'Blimey love, we've heard that you can't tell a budgie from an ostrich, but surely even you can see we're not apes. You're as thick as our fan!'

'Who is this fan? And why does he need a card?'

'It's the Broon boy. He's 32 today apparently. We thought we'd send him one of his favourite songs ...ahem, a one, a two, a one two three...Last Train to Bathgate....'

'Hmm.....interesting.  But 32? Who says he's 32? He's at least 56!!'

'Noooo, he can't be. He swore to us he was 32.'

'Hang on. Here's a photo of him. Have a good look at that and tell me if he's 56 or not. Well? What do you think?'

'Then I Saw His Face....Now I'm a Believer......'

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