
I call the first crow to come to my deck Rubeus and the second one Ragnor. The new one, who comes alone and has a higher pitched call, I call Freya. I can't tell them apart, but one crow was definitely more comfortable around me than another. Now both Rubeus and Ragnar are more comfortable being on the deck with me while I'm still laying seed. 

Samuel and I met Bruno and his owner. Samuel was trudging slowly back home like a 15 year old dog who doesn't want to go. Bruno immediately gave him enormous energy. Samuel thought Bruno was incredibly good looking and did his very best to communicate this. 

I've been editing my Iceland pictures and I will say again, in poor lighting conditions the iPhone rocks. I've been working hard on my Fuji shots of Seljalandsfoss and my iPhone shots are better. 

Telegram is a social media platform that Russia has not cut off. Telegram has Relocation.Guide, an online community that started in February with 10 people and has grown into a 3,000-plus page resource with over 50 chat channels. It draws millions of page views per month. Members can use it to plan every detail of their escape from Russia.

Resistance against mobilization/conscription is sometimes violent, with attacks on recruitment centers. 

A survey has found that people in western countries are not interested in capitulating to Putin, not even with his nuclear threats. We do support maintaining or expanding military and economic measures against Russia. Many feel that existing sanctions are not tough enough. The majority are willing to pay an economic price for this by having their living costs increased. There is huge support for military help (not going to war). In addition, the only one who wants to compromise with Putin is Elon Musk. 

Elon Musk got it into his head that he knew something about world politics and diplomacy and stepped in it. Then he did it again with China and Taiwan. Then his feelings got hurt and this man who earned so much praise and goodwill by providing Starlink internet service to Ukraine lost even more by allowing service to falter and then suggesting that the company could not continue to pay for internet access. Today he suggested on Twitter that SpaceX would continue to pay. 

A TikTok video of a Ukrainian soldier's kitten has over 860,000 views. 

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