
We eventually got to re-visit Eagles Flying near Ballymote, Co Sligo, before they close for the season. Lothar who started it & ran it for years, has had to tak a step back from it, due to personal reasons, but is available for advice on the wildlife there with his years of experience. He is a great character & always engaged the audience during the  performances, a hard act to follow. However, he was a the gate when we arrived, with Nation (as in Stagnation, his joke) a young fallow deer on a long lead. Nation was found in a ditch, probably 2 days old & has been very well looked after at the sanctuary. It was a privilege to see him, although it would have been better if circumstances had not resulted in him needing to be rescued.
There weren't as many birds flying in the performance & the staff doing it didn't provide the amazing photo opportunities that Lothar always seemed to manage to give photographers during the show (which I miss). We still enjoyed the visit with our friends all the same.

The extras are of Ashling the European Eagle Owl & a Harris Hawk flying to land on our friend's arm.

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