Confirmation party

My step-brother's daughter had Confirmation today and lovely, warm party where we could attend. All of us except hubby, as he left to Fuengirola already.

I hate driving to west coast area, there is so many mooses and white tail deers on the way. Today we saw almost 20 deers. Most of them on the wide fields but 5 of them on the way. Crossing the road just ahead of me. Had time to break from 100km/h to 50km/h and even to give a warning mark to the car behind me: I saw some more deers waiting in wood staring and apparently coming to the road with the herd... the car behind me even stopped and waited. 

Drove back to Tampere at the time of sunset and half of the drive it was already dark. As we all know the amount of deers and mooses... Lucky to be back home safely!

+11c cloudy. Thundering in the evening. Thundering in the middle of october?!?

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